Opening Ceremony

We started on 1st Sept with a service in which we praised our Lord and thanked Him for His love and mercy. Our Principal, Ms Constance Cheung presented the four major concerns represented by the acronym ‘REAP’, which will be implemented this year. REAP stands for



Encouraging students to be resilient in the face of adversity



Developing effective learning and teaching strategies to unleash students’ potential



Further improving the Administrative System and campus environment



Preparing for 130th Anniversary

Ms. Cheung ended the speech by wishing us a fruitful and rewarding year.

Ms. Cheung presented “The Award of Outstanding result in HKDSE 2016” to our alumna Lam Choi, who is now studying in the Faculty of Law in HKU. She shared how she prepared for the DSE over the last three years and how God’s plan and grace guided her journey to success in the DSE. 

Our school theme for this year is ‘Renew our strength and soar like eagles’. We are all ready to start our adventurous learning journey and live a glorious life!